I forgot my camera for the actual rafting part, but here are some pictures of us camping. Beth took some rafting pictures so I will post those when she emails them to me!
Here is Amber.
Will and I in the morning.
The dogs were so worn out.
The view from our tent.
Setting up camp and getting ready for dinner. I cooked bratwurst, baked beans and mac n cheese for dinner!
I had so much fun planning and setting up my party that I want to do it again. I can't wait till another "event" so I can throw another party! I am so glad my friends came, and surprised me with gifts. I got the best stuff. Thank you to everyone who came over to celebrate with me. I love you guys! Will cooking the kabobs!
For my birthday gift Sarah and the girls took me to the Cary Brothers concert at the Reef. I had so much fun. It was such a great night! LOVE LOVE LOVED IT!
The two handicapped: Sarah shouldn't drive after concerts. Way too hyper! HARPER BLYNN performing Halo...sounds cool